Friday 18 January 2013

Walking Free in Waltham Forest

Subject: Walking Free in Waltham Forest
Dear local walker
Attached is a programme of walks for the early months of this year.  Not the season for standing around, so these will not be history walks, but about keeping moving.  We also need a bit of shelter whilst we gather at the start.  The Waterworks Centre is now open only Thursday to Sunday but provides shelter, car parking and possibly refreshment.  The weekday walk is therefore on a Thursday for a while.  One walk is timed for sunset and will start at 3.30 pm on the Sunday.  Please double check the date and time of each walk before you set out.
Even if the weather is very bad I hope to be at the start of a walk.  I will try to let you know if I fall ill.
If you don't have use of a mobile phone, make sure you get to the start on time.
I believe local walks are most useful when the weather is uninviting.  You are all welcome to suggest repeating an earlier walk - name a day and time, and I will circulate everyone to see if there are any takers.  Two plus me would be a minimum number.
Do you share my feeling that it would be worthwhile drawing up a walking map for Waltham Forest, possibly a 'fresh air map' including children's playgrounds and adult exercise areas ?
Best wishes for 2013
David Boote
077 69 665 447  (for use on and close to the day of a walk)

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