Tuesday 29 January 2013


I know nothing about this so will have to start researching the subject!

In a snail mail letter the council has invited us, because the Government has told them to,  to take part in the consultation about 

WFCIL - Waltham Forest Community Infrastructure Levy and 
PDCS - Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

In its usual efficient way WF has not yet put the consultation on their web site

Consultation Portal

so no doubt it will be available at Sycamore House and the Libararies!

Some information is available on the CIL site


Put simply it is a new way councils can levy a charge on new developments - what the difference is between this new process and the current Section 106 process will no doubt emerge as we plough through the consultation!!

Interestingly the Palmerston Road development seems to be raising at least £100k through the Section 106 so that would be a good example to see if this new legislation would allow more to be taken from the developer.

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