Tuesday 12 February 2013

123 Acres and No Cow

Dear friends,

I am giving a talk next Thursday 14th February at 7.30pm at the Trinity URC in 58 Orford Road for the Walthamstow Historical Society.  The topic is “The Struggle for the People’s Marshes” and I will endeavour to tell the story – and contextualise – the events that led up to the formation of the Lammas Lands Defence Committee in the Parish of Leyton in 1892, and what it – and others less well known – achieved.

This is very much research in progress, and I have not yet drawn any firm conclusions about it, so it will be more a presentation of what I have found out rather than an interpretation, but I think some of you may find some of my findings rather surprising!

A flyer advertising the talk is attached.

Please do pass this on to any others whom you think may be interested.
Many thanks,

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