Friday 5 July 2013

Marsh Lane Bridge

Enquiry Ref: Marsh Lane bridge replacement works E10 7BL
Thank you for your email regarding the replacement bridge works at Marsh Lane.
Under the Water Resources Act 1991 and Thames Water Authority Land Drainage Byelaws 1981, any works undertaken in, on and within 8 metres of a designated Main River requires a Flood Defence Consent from us.  As part of this application we will assess whether the proposed works will have any detrimental impact to the area.  For example will it increase flood risk, will it have a negative impact on local biodiversity and will it affect any flood defences.  
I can confirm that London Borough of Waltham Forest applied for a flood defence consent from us and we granted consent on 15 May 2013.  We assessed the application for Marsh Lane and found that the new bridge design will reduce flood risk through improving the flood flow capacity and reducing the risk of blockage as a result of debris accumulating behind the pipe.
We are a statutory consultee in the planning application process on developments in Flood Zone 2 and 3. In our response to Waltham Forest on 5 March 2013 to planning application 2013/0085 we requested a floodplain compensation condition be placed on any planning permission granted. This condition was then placed on the Decision Notice by Waltham Forest. It is not in our remit to enforce the conditions placed on a planning application as the final decision and enforcement duty solely lies with the Local Authority.
Please be assured that we are working closely with London Borough of Waltham Forest to make sure they adhere to the conditions of the consent.
Please read the attached Standard notice, which explains permissions for use of this information.
If you require any further assistance please contact me.
We would be really grateful if you could spare five minutes to help us improve our service. Please click on the link below and fill in our survey – we use every piece of feedback we receive:
Kind regards
James Hammett
Customers and Engagement Officer
Environment Agency
North East Thames
Tel: 01707 632468

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