Friday 23 May 2014

Election Results in detail

All 60 councillors have been chosen in WF and the Liberal Democrats are now a spent force and the Labour Party has a 28 seat majority over the Conservative Party.

So what can we expect of the new council - most of the old Labour members are back, many will be nearing 70 by the time of the next election. 37% are new to the role, the majority being Labour, so the old guard will not have it all their own way. 

Keith Rayner, in the hay day of the Liberal Democrats, used to be their Leader but now he has changed to Labour so where does his ambitions lie?

For what it is worth 6 councillors are sharing 3 addresses so there may not be much difference in their views!

We will have to wait a few days to find out who will be the Strong Leader and who will be selected for a Cabinet Position.

Election 2014 Results

Election Updates

England's Results

BBC Results Service

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