Tuesday 10 February 2015

Mini Holland Update 10-2-15

Cabinet Approve Mini Holland

Mini Holland Petition

It is inevitable that the 
will apply on large schemes. The £30m to be spent on Mini Holland makes this particularly vulnerable so here are the first flush:

1. Peterborough Road area - From Ray

And, I am sad to report, cycle segregation has already spread well beyond Hoe Street: yesterday I was taking my usual shortcut from the Village to Hainault Road, crossing from Shernhall Street into West End Avenue, taking the compulsory right turn into Peterborough Road – only to find the access blocked by three trees in tubs; so back to Lea Bridge Road to get into Peterborough Street – only to find part way along it cycle access only. So it was round the houses to finally get to Hainault Road. And who has been told this was happening – no one I know of.

2. Cabinet Decision

The Cabinet has agreed to delegate all Mini Holland decisions to the officers after consultation with the Deputy Leader - no surprise there - last thing they want is democracy!

From the Cabinet paper - pathetically short on any detail, it appears the Village is costing about 1% of the total MH budget - that then begs the question where is the other 99% to be spent? All we know so far is Whipps Cross roundabout takes about 12% (£3.5m). I have seen no detail of the Lea Bridge Road or Markhouse Road proposals. Apparently the Ruckholt Road changes have been agreed but I don't know the cost, but doubt if it is much. 

Peterborough Road is already implemented.

3. Hoe Street Work Begins

Work appears to have started on building a segregated cycle lane in Hoe Street a bit before the row of shops before the Bakers Arms. I have seen no mention of this so what this is about is a mystery but again no surprise there.

4. Dedicated Web Site

They have set up a dedicated web site but it does not contain much detail 

5. No Right Turn from Shernhall Street to Church Lane

Email to Mini Holland project team
Sent: 06 February 2015 17:34
To: miniholland
Subject: Guardian Report

In this week's WF Guardian it says there will be a right turn ban from Shernhall Street into Church Lane during the morning rush hour.

Will this include traffic going from Vallentin Road into Church Lane? Although it could be argued it is a cross road so the traffic goes straight across, in reality you have to line up to do a right turn as the traffic coming from Lea Bridge Road stops you continuing across more often than not. It will be important that the CCTV camera, which you will use to police the no right turn, is located so that it does not pick up those turning right from Vallentin Road.

If you include Vallentin Road in the ban that creates a huge problem for those like myself trying to get to Markhouse Road. There is a no right turn from Lea Bridge Road into Markhouse Road so the only way is via Queens Road and the easiest and most direct route to Queens Road is via the village if you are coming up Vallentin Road. 

I would appreciate your confirmation that Vallentin Road will not be part of this ban.


Date: 10 February 2015 at 15:59
Subject: RE: Guardian Report
To: Adrian Stannard <astannard01@gmail.com>

Dear Mr Stannard,

Thank you for your email dated February 6 2015.

In response to your query, the banned right turn from Shernhall Street into Church Lane from 8am-9:30am will include those travelling from Vallentin Road. The banned right turn will apply to everyone making the right turn onto Church Lane and we are unable to make exceptions for anyone travelling from certain locations. However, the banned right turn is only enforced for a very short period of time each day (from 8a.m- 9:30a.m) and outside of these hours you will be able to continue to use Church Lane as usual.

We have introduced the banned right turn from 8a.m- 9:30am in response to feedback received from residents on East Avenue during the consultation period. Residents were concerned about the potential for an increase in vehicles on East Avenue, due to the number of people using Vestry Road as a cut through instead of Church Hill. In response to this we have introduced additional measures such as the no right turn from Shernhall Street into Church Lane and more effective traffic calming measures.

An alternative route for you travelling from Vallentin Road to Markhouse Road is going via Prospect Hill, Church Hill and then onto either Selborne Road or Queens Road via Hoe Street.

Kind Regards,

Louise Cullen
Project Support
Mini Holland Delivery Team
Highways and Infrastructure
Argall Avenue | Leyton | London E10 7AS

Tel: 0208 496 2400
 Date: 10 February 2015 at 20:16
Subject: Re: Guardian Report
To: miniholland <miniholland@walthamforest.gov.uk>


Thank you for your prompt reply.

My initial response to your reply is “Beware of the Law of Unintended Consequences”.

1.       Cyclists – will cyclists be allowed to cycle from Vallentin Road into Church Lane between 8am and 9.30am? If so it will be a much more difficult right turn as currently the right turning traffic helps protect the cyclists turning into Church Lane.
2.       Holy Family School – parents currently turn into Church Lane to drop off their children at Holy Family School. This will not be possible unless they can turn left in to Church Lane. The children that will have to be dropped off in Shernhall Street will then have to cross this busy road – how does this improve their safety?
3.       Teachers – many teachers park in the school car park but will now have to come in along Shernhall Street so they can turn left in to Church Lane and their car park.
4.       Congestion – To avoid a fine between 8am and 9.30am many people will alter their journey time which means more people will turn up at Holy Family school before 8am causing unnecessary congestion.
5.       CCTV – no doubt a CCTV camera will be placed to catch those turning right – the fine is £120 (going by the rate charged for the No Left turn from Forest Road into Fyfield Road) – this is going to seriously penalise a lot of people going about their legitimate business.
6.       East Avenue – as I understand the Village Scheme, East Avenue is going to be closed at the bridge so the residents will already have a quieter road, so why just the handful opposite the Queens Arms should be relieved of traffic while the residents of Shernhall Street take the brunt of the morning rush hour?
7.       Alternative Route – it would seem to me you have never tried your alternative route of Church Hill and Hoe Street. It already takes much longer going that route than via the Village into Queens Road. If Selborne Road is selected it will add even more traffic to this busy roundabout causing hold ups to the buses. How is this beneficial to those travelling on public transport?
8.       Queens Road Traffic Lights – currently the traffic coming through the Village to Queens Road have a similar length green phase as those travelling along Hoe Street. With the additional traffic turning right into Queens Road will the traffic light phasing be altered to give Hoe Street greater priority, as there will be so much less traffic crossing from Orford Road to Queens Road?
9.       Church Hill Road – will this be closed as it is an obvious rat run to avoid congestion on Prospect Hill?
10.   Conclusion – this ban on a right turn has clearly not been thought through. Much of the existing traffic will use Barrett Road turning right into Shernhall Street so that it can access Church Lane via a left turn. How does this benefit the residents of Barrett Road and the other routes to Shernhall Street?

        Adrian Stannard

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