Friday 19 June 2015

Walthamstow Central's cage

From Stella Creasy MP's newsletter:

The Central Station Cage is to Go- but what Next? 
Regular readers of this e-newsletter will know I have been challenging Transport for London on the safety of the 'cage' that has been built around the entrance to the underground station at Walthamstow Central station since it was first put into position. This measure was designed to stop those using the underground going to overground trains without paying for a ticket, but as many residents reported, created problems for passengers as many were crowded into a small space raising fears for rush hour travelling. I'm pleased to report that TFL have this week now confirmed that this cage is to be removed- but there is still uncertainty as to what will replace it. TFL have stated the following to me: 
"Although we are prioritising arrangements to enable the removal of this fence structure, we do not plan to take it down this month. Removal is dependent on the installation of an improved ticketing gateline layout (details of which are still being finalised), which we hope to install during the August closure at the earliest. We are aware that many passengers that use Walthamstow Central station object to this structure, and once a date has been agreed to remove it, we will of course update you
Please note, the station is due to be closed for three weeks from  8th to 30th August and so any new structure or station layout is unlikely to be implemented before then. I will continue to monitor this situation but believe it is welcome news TFL have listened to concerns about passenger safety and agreed to remove the 'cage'- thank you to all those who raised their views with TFL on this matter to help make the case for change.  

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