Friday 29 January 2016

97 Lea Bridge Road

Planning Application Search

Search for 153834

The planning application for 97 Lea Bridge Road has been publicised by Waltham Forest. 300 homes are proposed for the site which is east of the new Lea Bridge station on Argall Way overlooking Leyton Marsh. Existing industrial/ commercial buildings are proposed to be demolished to make way for the scheme which incudes 3 x tower blocks of up to 18 storeys. The planning application is listed as No.153834 on WF Council website planning application pages. The letter was issued this week but dated 8th February, and there are 21 days to make objection. At the same time please note the other major development proposals affecting Lea Bridge Road: a) the sale of the Thames Water site with the reported 'done deal' to place a non-local authority school there, none of which has been considered by WF Council, and b) the LVRPA reported options for the ice rink - three of which would impact hugely on Lea Bridge Road.


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