Tuesday 11 July 2017

MINI HOLLAND update 11-7-17


Maybe someone more techy than me can explain why the council is using an Icelandic web address to consult on more Mini Holland plans! According to wikipedia .is is Iceland's Top Level Domain name!


Wood St Junction
  • Continuining work to realign the kerb line, install off street cycle tracks and construct a new footway
  • Continuing work to install the new traffic signals as part of the work to convert the Whipps Cross roundabout
  • New lighting has been installed and is awaiting connection
  • Work will take place in the road verge, and will have a minimal impact on traffic. Expected completion late spring 2017
Upcoming - Conversion of part of the central reserve in Leabridge Rd at the Wood St junction to create temporary space for vehicles during further works. During these works which are anticipated to take one week there will be lane closures on Leabridge Rd, Whipps Cross Road and on the roundabout.

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