Tuesday 22 May 2018

CRATE St James Street

CRATE St.James Street

Using metal containers CRATE intend to create workspaces where the old toilets were in the car park by St.James Street station.

My comments about their consultation:

We were pleased to visit your exhibition about the St James Street CRATE development and would like to make the following points:

1.      The site should have been developed years ago so the proposed Crate workspaces will enhance the area enormously.
2.      There is a large demand for small workspaces in the area and as the new flats come on-stream in the vicinity the demand will only grow. They will also ensure there are work spaces amongst the thousands of new flats being built which will help to create a more balanced community.
3.      The design of the Crates would be enhanced if they were painted in a mixture of exciting colours. This would not only allow the development to stand out but make it look like a modern thriving area.
4.      A public toilet should also be considered as the current one was closed some years ago and has never been replaced. Unlike the top of the High Street there are no public toilets available nearby.

We wish you the best of luck with this development.


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