Thursday 17 July 2014

Community Asset Meeting

Civic Society Public Meeting about Assets of Community Value: How local people can protect the pubs, buildings and open spaces we value

Thursday 24th July, meeting at 7.15pm for 7.30pm start at the Hare and Hounds pub, 278 Lea Bridge Road Leyton E10 7LD.  

The Civic Society are holding a Public Meeting next Thursday evening, the 24th July, at the Hare and Hounds public House in Lea Bridge Road, Leyton E10 (opposite Emmanuel Parish Church) with the aim of explaining how we can use new community powers to register threatened buildings and open spaces as Assets of Community Value. This gives communities an increased chance to save much loved pubs, buildings and other local facilities.

So far no buildings or open spaces in Waltham Forest are registered as Assets of Community Value and with your help we aim to change this.

We have invited a representative of the borough to attend, and we have also invited two campaigners from the Campaign for Real Ale, which is concerned at the increasing numbers of pub closures and redevelopments. Another speaker will be James of the "Save the Chesham" campaign in Homerton, in our neighbouring borough of Hackney, which was the first building to be listed as an ACV in that borough.

The main purposes of the meeting are 1) to explain the ACV community powers and how they can be applied at the local level; and 2) to begin to set up a list of buildings accessible to the public that Waltham Forest residents feel should be kept in community use (be that a public house or any other building or space that can be used by the community); and 3) agree an initial shortlist of buildings we would like to register as ACVs.

Only community groups can apply for a building to be listed as an Asset of Community Value; individuals cannot do so. At least 21 members of the organisation applying for ACV listing must sign to support the registration, and they must be on the Electoral Roll in the Borough (or be a registered voter in an adjacent borough, such as Redbridge, Haringey, Newham or Hackney).

We are therefore holding this Public Meeting and inviting as many interested people as possible to attend, including representatives of other groups, in the hope that we can raise support to help us achieve our main aim of getting at least three buildings applied for as a direct result of the meeting.

Public transport: Buses 48, 55, 56 stop outside.

We hope you can come. 

Waltham Forest Civic Society

Contact number for further information: 07900 498440
Image result for hare and hounds lea bridge road pic

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